Monday July 16th 2012
What a wonderful weekend! Not too hot, a bit of rain and thunder Saturday, then the docks filled up with people taking advantage of the warm sunny weather.
Lots of swimmers with floats and snorkeling gear during the day. When evening came around a few tried their hand at fishing with little success. An exception on Friday night, a father and his two young girls caught a couple of 4 inch trout. In such a loving way the father congratulated his girls for their fishing expertise in catching the "smallest ever" trouts. The girls were so excited and he was one wonderful father!
Saturday evening ended with residence fishing on both docks, but it looked like no fish for dinner that day.
The view from the lake in a boat it was great to see all the people in residence with small fires, evening swimming off private docks, small parties and glowing lights from so many cabins, trailers and tents.
As the sun went down over the lake, out came the bats. Although they are fun to watch in the dimming light, darting back and forth after the mosquito's, nats and skeeter bugs. It was also noticed the lake was mirror glass flat, not ring one from hungry fish jumping for the same bugs the thousands of bats were gathering. Why not?
Sunday evening was the monthly board meeting. I anxiously awaited to hear when the board was going to restock this summer. The answer that came back to me was........... drum roll.....
"The fish are well fed that is why so few are being caught "
Humm,,,, don't think so. I have put up a survey across from this page. Please click on what you think? Are they--- 1)Too well fed. 2) None existent. 3) On strike. 4) Afraid of Bats
Please let us know what you think the reason are. Not only do we need your donations to restock the lake but we need your involvement and opinions to restore a balance of fish, bugs, frogs and happy people back to the lake.
This post is not about the board of directors it is about community members who want to see more fish in the lake and are willing to donate their money to get the job done.
Until next week everyone have a great week. And remember "you create what you think"
Think fish in Collins Lake!
Bye for now!
To donate to the Lake Collins Fishing Club please send checks to
PMG P.O. Box 1311 Maple Valley Wa. 98038